Thursday, October 29, 2009

Just 2 Exercises!

OK, you have been doing great on your healthy eating program plus you have been keeping up with your aerobic and resistance training. But, today you have so much going on, you may ask, "How can I fit my resistance training in with little time?'
With just 2 exercises, you can work almost every muscle in your body!
  1. Pushups - Done from your toes (not knees) will work your upper body and your abdominals!

  2. Squats - Work your glutes and legs!

Now you are done. No excuses. Have a great day!

Monday, October 26, 2009

9 Lifestyle Changes for Better Health

  1. Nutrition - Can make the difference of life or death. Vital nutrients and substances from fruits and vegetables fuel and infuse the body to operate in optimum health. Think about "health food" as being the opposite of "death food." Eat more fruits and vegetables, low fat proteins and whole grains. Our bodies evolved from a cave man style dinner table. Eat more like him.

  2. Walk or Bike for Transportation - With the high cost of gas and increased global chimate change, it makes only sense to me that we ..........To finish reading this article, go to:


Thursday, October 22, 2009

Burn 300% More Body Fat!

In order for aerobic exercise to be an effective fat burner it needs to be performed at the appropriate times. There are two ideal times when aerobic exercise is most effective in burning fat. The first ideal time is first thing in the morning on an empty stomach after drinking 16 to 24 ounces of water in order to prevent dehydration. When performed at this time you burn 300 percent more body fat than at any other time in the day because your body does not have any glycogen (stored carbohydrates) in it's system to burn. Therefore, it has to go directly into the fat stores in order to get the energy necessary to complete the activity. The other time that aerobic exercise is most effective is immediately after a weight training session, when your gycogen stores have already been depleted. Because of this, once you start doing your cardio, you will burn fat as soon as you elevate your heart rate since it will be the only fuel that will be available.


Thursday, October 8, 2009

We're Younger Than We Think!

The body's cells are constantly renewing themselves. Researchers have discovered the precise ages of various tissues in our bodies.

The Average Age of Cells in...
  • Your Bones: 10 years

  • Your Gut: 15.9 years

  • The Lining of Your Gut: 5 days

  • Your Skin (outer layer): 2 weeks

  • Red Blood Cells: 120 days

  • The Cerebral Cortex (outer layer of the brain, responsible for higher functions): Exactly as old as you are

  • The Cerebellum (back of the brain, controls motor function): Slightly younger than you are


Sunday, October 4, 2009

Three Keys to Controlling Hunger

Are you hungry all the time? Discover how you can use your body's own hormone, leptin, to keep hunger at bay.

Leptin is a natural hormone produced in our body's fat cells that is secreted after a meal to tell our brain that we are full and no longer hungry. After the meal is digested, our leptin levels fall and our hungry appetite returns.

Use the following 3 keys to ease your rampant hunger and loose your excess fat.

In this article I cover:

  1. Avoid High-fructose corn syrup

  2. Eat food low in triglycerides

  3. Get lots of sleep

Read entire article at:
