Monday, January 2, 2012

What Really Makes Change Happen?

"Everything we do, we do out of our need to avoid pain and our desire to gain pleasure."-- Anthony Robbins

When we change the PAIN or PLEASURE association we have ingrained in our psyche, we can change how we think and what we do. These neuro-associations determine what we do.
Neuro-Associative Conditioning (NAC), a 6 step strategy for producing lasting change, formulated by Anthony Robbins is as follows:

State clearly what you REALLY WANT. (Most people focus on what they don't want).
  1. Get leverage. Make change a MUST.
  2. Interrupt the limiting pattern and break the habit's hold on you.
  3. Create a new, empowering alternative. You can't just stop a behavior or an emotion; you must REPLACE it.
  4. Keep doing #4 - until it's a new habit (like Nike's quote: Just Do It!)
  5. Test it. Make sure it works and adjust if needed.
Read or listen more to Anthony Robbins books, lectures and CDs. Check your local library or book store. His materials are very helpful in making the needed changes for weight loss and change of lifestyle.

1 comment:

  1. I was doing some work in Facebook when I ran across your profile and found your blog... this is awesome! I love the quote at the beginning... speaks volumes. I see we both have roots in Kalamazoo/Battle Creek Michigan as well... small world! I'll be sharing your blog with some friends... great work!


