Monday, December 26, 2011

Use Affirmations to Attain Your Goal

        "Whether you think you can or can't, you're right!".....Henry Ford

Do you really want to let go of the old ways that haven't worked to find the courage to try new ones? Yes!!

"Thoughts of your mind have made you what you are and thoughts of your mind will make you what you become from this day forward.".....Catherine Ponder

Affirmations are positive statements we say to ourselves.  The subconscious can not discern between truth or fiction and whatever you tell yourself and believe will be who you become. Once you have created an affirmation that fits your goal, you must write it ten times a day for 21 consecutive days. This is a critical component for success.  Writing uses more of your senses and you are imprinting your affirmation deeply into your mind and body.

Five Parts to a Successful Affirmation:
  1. It must be positive. Such as, "I eat only healthy food," as opposed to, "I am no longer eating junk food."
  2. It must be said and felt with passion & power.  Even if you do not believe what you are affirming, Act as if you do believe it.  Think it, Feel it, Hear it, Smell it.
  3. It must be said in the present moment. State affirmations as if they are happening and real now.
  4. It must be possible, such as, "I am losing weight," instead of "I am losing 10 pounds each day."
  5. It must be personal.  We can only affirm for ourselves.  We cannot change anyone else.
Here are some possible "health & fitness" affirmations. Personalize them to fit your goals.
  • I am in the process of arriving at a healthy weight for me.
  • I am proud to be eating healthy foods today.
  • I always have enough time, energy and desire to exercise my body.
  • Nothing tastes as good as thin feels.
Using affirmations that are meaningful for you and are focused on what you want to become true in your life will, over time, replace those negative, self-defeating habits and behaviors with positive, affirming, self-enhancing behaviors.

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