Researchers have been busy studying the effects of "inflammation" on disease noting "cytokines" (chemical markers) as being the substance present which indicates inflammation is evident.
In the latest issue of Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, ("Resistance training at eight-repetition maximum reduces the inflammatory environment in elderly women," February 2010) researchers looked at whether weight lifting could decrease the cytokines associated with inflammation. The study was conducted with the participants lifting for eight repetitions, for 3 sets, 3 times per week for 10 weeks.
At the end of the 10 weeks of weight training, the cytokines were significantly reduced in the exercising group. The researchers noted that the cytokines were also reduced immediately following a single bout of weight lifting.
This study represents modern science at its best, with the take-home message being that weight lifting helps to keep us strong, fit and also disease free!
The pancreatic cancer article while not totally proof of the connection, only tell's us to eliminate not only sugar, but to QUITE SMOKING TOO!!!! Only makes common sense to anyone who cares about their health...