Monday, February 22, 2010

Success Through your Beliefs

The number one predictor of your success in creating the body you deserve is not your age, your sex, your IQ or your heredity.  The number one predictor is your own belief that you will succeed!

Concentrate on these Beliefs until they become your own.
  • I must do it! I must do it! I can do it!
  • The past does not equal the future!
  • I'm prepared! I have an effective strategy! What is your strategy?
  • Becoming healthy & fit is a challenge!
  • I concentrate my power on my challenges! What are your challenges?
  • I have realistic goals!
  • I'm going to enjoy the process!  Attitude means everything.

1 comment:

  1. Ha! Your post is so timely! Just on my own blog I was commenting on how my thoughts and old mindset were starting to creep in on my new way of life in regard to how I eat. Thanks for the motivational tips! They're very useful, especially the last one - "I'm going to enjoy the process" Attitude really does mean everything! The more I look on this as a positive thing rather than a denying myself sugary foods thing, the easier it is for me to keep at it! thanks for sharing!!! :)
