Monday, March 28, 2011

Stop The Cravings

Try replacing sugary foods or refined-carbohydrate foods with higher-protein foods for a few days.

By eating less of the quickly-absorbed carbohydrates, keeping moderate amounts of lean proteins and healthy fats in your diet, and getting a reasonable amount of physical activity, you set the stage for weight loss. These strategies form the basis of the smart good-carb approach. Put the emphasis on unrefined carbohydrate foods, and you will get more fiber, vitamins, and minerals to help slow the absorption of carbohydrates into your bloodstream. Slow, gradual absorption will prevent your body from producing excess insulin and prevent sudden or excessive drops in blood sugar. As a result, you experience less hunger and are less likely to get sudden urges for sweets.

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Monday, March 21, 2011

Improve Your Motivation & Willpower Using Subliminal Messages

When we listen to positive comments and views from other people, we imbibe the positivity and good feelings. Listening to subliminal messages works in the same way to improve your motivation and willpower. When we listen to positive subliminal messages they are naturally processed by our subconscious to strengthen our belief in ourselves and in our own abilities.

Subliminal messaging is a simple tool, and can help you to receive the following benefits:

- Strengthen your drive to strive and work hard.

- Re-align your mind to focus on the path of your choice.

- Acquire the much needed enthusiasm for your goals.

- Develop the inner motivation and will to succeed.

A simple encouragement from a friend can make our day. Hearing a good song can change a gloomy day into a brighter one. We can receive the same stimuli that works on our inner self. Subliminal messages provide the right motivation to keep you working on what you have started. By gaining a better view of the self, you develop a stronger will to overcome the odds and achieve what you want in life.

You need the continued drive to help you reach the finish line. If you work on your inner self, you develop the motivation that lasts longer than what a reward or prize can give you. A strengthened inner self allows you to do what you want with much determination. It translates into a more enthusiastic approach to your tasks and work, which makes it easier to achieve goals. When you enjoy what you do, you become more positive about your goals.

Allow your subconscious to listen to messages that give the willpower to get you started on that road to success. With improved willpower and motivation, you can pursue any goal that you set your mind to.

There is no magic formula, but using subliminal messages will simply work with your inner mind to help increase your motivation and willpower, and When it comes to your dreams, you need to start with yourself, believing that you can make them come true.

Subliminal Weight Loss - Subliminal Messages - Subliminal CD - Subliminal MP3

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Monday, March 14, 2011

Take 10 Years Off Your Heart

Brisk walking can actually reverse the aging of your ticker, reveals a yearlong Washington University study of overweight 50- to 60- year olds. Those who walked off 240 to 300 calories a day (about 45 to 60 minutes at a brisk pace*) lost an average of 22 pounds without dieting, and their hearts pumped blood and nutrients as efficiently as people in their 30s and 40s.

*Calorie burns based on a 150 pound person.

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Monday, March 7, 2011

Word Labels Affect Perception

Can a word label affect your perception? An Oxford University experiment subjected a group of people to a cheesy aroma while at the same time flashing the phrase “Body Odor” or “Cheddar Cheese.” When asked to rate the pleasantness of the scent, those who said the words “Cheddar Cheese” rated it’s pleasantness higher than when the word “Body Odor” was flashed with the cheesy aroma.

Then, the researcher analyzed fMRI brain images of the same subjects, which revealed different patterns of activity in the secondary olfactory cortex (a collection of neurons that mediate pleasant sensory responses to smells and tastes). The pleasant word “Cheddar Cheese” produced more action in this area of the brain than in those repelled by the word “Body Odor.”

“We’re finding that words affect how you feel because they’re influencing the emotional part of the brain,” says researcher Edmund Rolls.

To apply this principle toward health food, shouldn’t we refer to unhealthy food as “Death Food?” Wouldn’t that leave a nasty taste in your mouth? This is a fine example of our need to change the way we think, for better health.
"All that we are is the result of what we have thought." Buddha

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