Monday, July 18, 2011

Walk While You Work!

Dr. James Levine of the Mayo Clinic, walks on a treadmill while using his computer. Levine does this five days a week up to eight hours a day. (AP Photo/Christina Paolucci) Visit for more info/purchase:
TrekDesk treadmill desks fit virtually any treadmill and allow employees/students the opportunity to walk slowly while they work without sweating or extra time out of their day. The Surgeon General recommends a MINIMUM 10,000 steps per day (5 miles) achievable in 3-4 hours with the TrekDesk Treadmill Desk. Benefits of a healthy lifestyle and walking 5 miles per day with a TrekDesk Treadmill Desk include:

•Lose weight (50-70 lbs/year potentially)

•Restore health; build major muscle groups

•Prevent diseases & boost resistance

•Boost mood, memory and cognitive abilities

•Boost productivity & decrease absenteeism

TrekDesk Buy Now

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