This week at the Annual Research Conference on Food, Nutrition and Physical Activity the American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) made one of the strongest science based pleas detailing the health hazards of sedentary office environments, urging employers and employees to incorporate activity into their workday as much as possible; citing a direct link between “sitting time” and rates of breast and colon cancers. TrekDesk treadmill desks allow employees to remain upright and active throughout the entire day reducing the risks posed by sedentary environments.
In a news release, the AICR stated that 49,000 cases of breast cancer and 43,000 cases of colon cancer occurring in the United States annually were the direct result of a lack of physical activity. The report further related that daily walking reduces a number of biological indicators of cancer risks, including insulin resistance, inflammation, obesity, and hormone levels. The challenge is finding a way to motivate employees to remain active during the day.
Warning of recent studies in the field of “sedentary science”, the researchers warned that sitting for long periods of time dramatically increased cancer risks even among individuals that exercise daily. "Taken together, this research suggests that every day, we're each given numerous opportunities to be active and protect ourselves from cancer, not one," said AICR spokesperson Alice Bender, in a released statement. "We need to start thinking in terms of make time and break time."
Ms. Bender went on to stress the need to change the mindset of American employers and employees regarding the difference between exercise and movement and its impact on health: "A person who gets up in the morning and makes time by spending 30 minutes on the treadmill probably feels pretty pleased with himself – and he should. He's making excellent progress and doing a lot more than most Americans. For those 30 minutes, he's hard at work lowering those cancer risk indicators. But what happens during the other 15 hours and 30 minutes he spends awake? If he's like most Americans, he sits – on his commute, at the office, and at home. So this person, who fits the traditional definition of someone who's physically active, is actually active just 3 percent of his waking day. By thinking in terms of break time, however, Americans can infuse the remaining 97 percent of their day with short periods of activity that can protect against many cancers."
“We have been warning employers and employees about the risks of sedentary office environments since 2008,” stated Steve Bordley, CEO of TrekDesk Treadmill Desks. “Just because the nature of employment is increasingly sedentary does not mean our office environments cannot incorporate movement into the workplace. We just need to re-think the distinctions between movement, exercise and our goals toward overall health.”
Designed to fit any existing treadmill, TrekDesk is an affordable, full sized workstation that allows individuals the opportunity to gain the necessary amount of exercise daily to maintain health, prevent disease, strengthen muscles, boost mood and productivity, without requiring additional time during the day or extra motivation.
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