Monday, November 8, 2010

Must Eat Breakfast

1/3 of adults in the US don’t eat breakfast. These people are 4 ½ times more likely to become obese.

Skipping breakfast slows your metabolism. When you eat less, your body, which is smart, recognizes that you are not eating normally so it cuts your metabolism (the rate that your body burns calories). The reality is that you can’t trick your body when it comes to eating. When you skip breakfast, your body knows almost immediately and responds by slowing your metabolism to make the energy last longer, as if in case of famine. You may think that by starving yourself, you would lose weight, but the opposite is true. Your goal should be to maintain your daily intake of foods to 5 – 6 small meals consisting of a complex carbohydrate and lean protein. A small amount of healthy fat should also be included.

The prefrontal cortex comprises 30% of the human brain and acts as the supervisor of the brain. When it is weak, damaged or undernourished, it is like the supervisor in your head is taking a break. Skipping breakfast impairs cognitive function and makes it difficult to concentrate during the day. So, when your inner child is having a tantrum, wanting that 2nd piece of cheesecake, there is less control over the situation. If your prefrontal cortex is not working right, nothing in your life is going to be right. Low blood sugar can affect overeating. If you don’t eat breakfast and provide your brain with the proper nutrients it requires to operate well, you are going to make bad decisions about food the rest of the day. This is one of the most important reasons to eat breakfast.

Brain functions consume 20% of all the energy that the body supplies. So when you are really thinking hard and you get a headache, it’s because you are actually draining the energy there. That’s why we make things automated in our lives. Your brain is craving for energy and wants all the energy it can get. There is a huge difference in how well you will be able to deal with the day to day events depending on if you have eaten or not.

Numerous studies have shown that skipping breakfast doesn’t just affect your ability to deal with problems; it also affects the memory of kids. It can affect their test scores, their ability to read and truly understand what they are learning. This is the reason our public schools provide an opportunity for breakfast for our children. Although, I was not impressed with the “processed bar” I saw provided for my Grandson’s class. I wish we would return to unprocessed foods for our children’s school lunches. I am a supporter of Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution.

What is the perfect breakfast? High fiber cereals, oatmeal, 2% milk, eggs and fruits are all perfect. These foods provide complex carbohydrates, fiber, protein, a small amount of fat and all the things that you need to effortlessly reduce your weight gain as it keeps you energized and healthy.

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