Saturday, January 21, 2012

Mindful Weight Loss Diet

The first step towards attaining or maintaining an ideal weight is recognizing weight management is more about thought processes and lifestyle than food.  Thousands of dieters start a fast diet regime every day, one that may indeed melt off a few excess pounds immediately, only to have an emotional issue or craving throw them back into making unhealthy choices.  Understanding one’s relationship to food is crucial to reprogramming self-defeating patterns.
Secondly, creating a vast array of choices other than food for emotional needs and building a reserve base of alternatives for times when ‘chocolate calls’ or the smell of a favorite comfort food beckons gives the dieter an upper hand over old counter-productive patterns.  A network of supportive friends to call or a planned activity to replace non-hunger related craving for food builds new neurological patterns that become healthy habits.

Excerpt from “The Right Weight Loss Diet Begins in the Mind” by Donna Hinton

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Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Easiest Exercise

Walking has been indicated as one of the most effective methods of improving fitness and aiding weight loss because:

  • It's so easy to do
  • Not alot of equipment needed
  • You've mastered it since you were a toddler
  • Low impact (won't hurt your joints)
  • Low cost (no gym membership required)
The National Weight Control Registry, a group of more than 5,000 individuals who have lost at least 30 pounds and kept the weight off for at least 1 year, reported almost 95% of the participants stated that: In addition to nutritional changes, they lost the weight and kept it off by increasing their physical activity, most frequently by walking.
  • Walking is the most popular activity in U.S. with 89.8 million participants.
  • "The Diabetes Prevention Program" found walking 150 minutes per week and losing 7 percent of your body weight (12 to 15 pounds) may reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes by 58%.
  • Walking reduces your risk for depression 20% by walking just 20 minutes per week, according to a British study of more than 19,000 adults.
  • Walking reduces breast cancer risk by 18% when women walked briskly for 1 3/4 hours to 2 1/2 hours per week, compared to inactive women.
  • A landmark study of more than 70,000 nurses ages 40-65 found the more a woman walked, the lower her chances of having a coronary event. Those who walked 3 or more hours a week had a 35% less risk compared to those who walked infrequently. Plus, it's never too late to start: Sedentary women who became active when they reached middle age or later had a lower risk of coronary events than their couch-potato counterparts.
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    Monday, January 9, 2012

    Thinking Patterns

    "It is the MIND that maketh good of ill, that maketh wretch or happy, rich or poor."-- Edmund Spenser

    So, you've heard me say that "Thinking Patterns" need to change in order to successfully change your lifestyle, get healthy and lose weight.

    First, you must take personal responsibility and realize that you and only you can make the needed changes. According to Anthony Robbins in his book "Giant Steps" he says you must adopt three core beliefs:

    1. The situation (being unfit and/or over weight) MUST change. Believing that you should change is not enough.
    2. YOU must change it. Others can council you, but you're responsible to make the change.
    3. You CAN change it. You created your current situation, therefore you can change it.
    This may sound a bit basic to you until you realize that change doesn't really happen without these 3 core beliefs. If you find yourself faltering in your weight loss efforts, re-examine if you have these core beliefs as your foundation.
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    Monday, January 2, 2012

    What Really Makes Change Happen?

    "Everything we do, we do out of our need to avoid pain and our desire to gain pleasure."-- Anthony Robbins

    When we change the PAIN or PLEASURE association we have ingrained in our psyche, we can change how we think and what we do. These neuro-associations determine what we do.
    Neuro-Associative Conditioning (NAC), a 6 step strategy for producing lasting change, formulated by Anthony Robbins is as follows:

    State clearly what you REALLY WANT. (Most people focus on what they don't want).
    1. Get leverage. Make change a MUST.
    2. Interrupt the limiting pattern and break the habit's hold on you.
    3. Create a new, empowering alternative. You can't just stop a behavior or an emotion; you must REPLACE it.
    4. Keep doing #4 - until it's a new habit (like Nike's quote: Just Do It!)
    5. Test it. Make sure it works and adjust if needed.
    Read or listen more to Anthony Robbins books, lectures and CDs. Check your local library or book store. His materials are very helpful in making the needed changes for weight loss and change of lifestyle.