Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Physics of Low Carbohydrate Diets

A calorie is a calorie, no matter what the source, right?

Wrong, say biochemists. Critics of low-carbohydrate diets always invoke laws of thermodynamics, but they do not understand them properly. Two laws, not one are involved.

The first law of thermodynamics, that the total energy in a system is always conserved. The second law, that energy tends to dissipate over time.

We know on a molecular level that the body’s pathways are less efficient at turning protein calories into glucose. That means that more energy is lost as heat. So, more of each calorie will convert into heat if it comes from proteins; more of the calorie will remain in the body if it comes from carbohydrates.

This complements the “Eat like a Caveman” theory. The Atkins and South Beach diets both are low carbohydrate diets. According to Dr. Arthur Agatston, MD, creator of the South Beach Heart Program, millions of people who follow his plan lead longer and healthier lives.

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