Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Sugared Drinks and Pancreatic Cancer Connection

Researchers tracked 60,524 subjects in Singapore over 14 years and found that those who drank two or more sodas a week had an 87% increased risk of developing pancreatic cancer.  Mark Pereira of the University of Minnesota said that the high amount of sugar in the soda may be to blame, boosting the body's insulin levels which spurs cancer cell growth. Other experts warned that the study may be based on too few cases and other risk factors such as smoking may have contributed to the results.  The findings are published in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention. 

I always knew there was a reason not to drink sugary soda pop!

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Monday, May 28, 2012

Excessive Sitting Linked to Premature Death in Women

Research released last fall found that women who sat for more than six hours a day had a 37 percent increased risk of premature death, compared to 18 percent for men. Those results stayed the same, even when factors such as an individual's diet, amount of physical activity and smoking were taken into account.
Dr. Alpa Patel, senior epidemiologist at the American Cancer Society, is the lead author of that study, the largest on how sitting affects mortality. The study was based on information from surveys of 123,000 people who participated in the study between 1992 and 2006.
Females who sat the longest and exercised the least had twice the risk of death compared with women who recorded more activity and less sitting. Under similar circumstances for men, there was only a 50 percent greater chance of death.
Patel can't explain why sitting may be more hazardous to women's health. It's unclear whether the varying results are caused by gender, or if there's some other influence at work.
"We don't understand the biological reason why it might be more detrimental to women than men."

TrekDesk has made the solution affordable!

Designed to fit any existing treadmill, TrekDesk is an affordable, full sized workstation that allows individuals the opportunity to gain the necessary amount of exercise daily to maintain health, prevent disease, strengthen muscles, boost mood and productivity, without requiring additional time during the day or extra motivation.
TrekDesk is currently available at WomensPersonalFitness.net for $479.00 including free shipping.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Write it Down

First you need to determine what will be your weight loss calorie allotment for each day, (go to:) Figure Calorie Intake to Lose Weight

Write down every morsel that passes your lips. It' too easy to underestimate how much you eat. After more than 30 years of watching my waist, I still record my food intake, exercise for the day and my current weight. I keep mine on the refrigerator door, very convenient.

The best little calorie counter book I have found is called, "The Doctor's Pocket Calorie, Fat & Carbohydrate Counter." It contains every count for every food, including the meals at your favorite restaurants! This book can be found in most book stores or visit:
http://www.calorieking.com/ You will love it!

"Knowledge is Power!"

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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Figure Your Basal Metabolic Rate

I know I have stressed the importance of keeping track of what you eat and the amount of calories you consume, but do you know what your Basal Metabolic Rate is?  That is the amount of calories you burn each day depending on your height, existing weight and sex while you are at rest and at different levels of activity!  I have listed the Harris-Benedict Formula for Men & Women on my website and you can see it here.  Check it out!


Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Change Your Thinking

All successful people have one thing in common. Good Thinking! They realize that to change their lives, they must change their thinking.

"All that we are is a result of what we have thought"........Buddha

Very, very basic, but true.  If we always do what we've always done, we'll always get what we've always gotten.  Also true, if we always think the way we have always thought, we will always get the same results.

In order to facilitate real, lasting change of our lifestyles toward better health and fitness, we not only need to change what we eat and how we move (exercise) but also, how we think.

I once read a cute blurb: "We only like things that are good and don't like things that are bad."  When I read that, I thought, "That's right.  It's all in the interpretation!"

How do you interpret "things, foods, thoughts, etc?"  Are you still looking at, let's use the example, "homemade gooey cookies" as good?  Or is your first impression, "they are bad, unwelcome, poor health contributors, bad for me?  I know I may sound a bit extreme, but, if we don't change the way we think about certain things, will we ever really be able to make that change?

Try to identify certain thought patterns you may experience that may be a "stumbling block" in your healthy lifestyle journey.


Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Why Wear Weights?

We all know that exercise increases the amount of exertion and calorie burn. Adding additional weight to the exercise increases exertion, work load and the amount of calories burned. Plus, the extra weight affects the muscles involved to work against the resistance (weights) which builds muscle tone/size, strength and fitness.

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Thursday, May 3, 2012

TerraTrike Test Drive Review

Last weekend I attended an Open House for TerraTrike recumbent trike.  I test drove a Rover on their warehouse track.  It was awesome! It drove so comfortable and smooth. With two wheels in the front, it provides tighter turning.  I could use a bike like this that's emission-free and laugh at high gas prices while tooling around my community.  I can opt in for accessories that would allow me to pick up a few things at the store or pack a picnic lunch! I could trike to the local library, drug store, or just enjoy the afternoon with a trike ride down the trail. This is the type of activity that I wrote about in the article, "9 Lifestyle Changes for Better Health."

The first feature you'll notice on the Rover is it's seat height.  A full 4 inches higher than most tadpole trikes. It's the same height as a standard office chair.  This makes getting in and out a breeze. It also puts the rider at eye level with most drivers for better visibility. The seat quickly adjusts through a wide range of sizes with the flip of a lever.  The frame length is also adjustable providing even more sizing options.  The Rover's ingenious design makes it easy to transport. The trike is comprised of 4 parts that quickly bolt together. This makes it very simple to break down and fit into any car.  Price starts at $699.  To find a dealer near you or get additional information, visit: TerraTrike.com